Preaching The Gospel



Christians are the world’s most persecuted religious group ― approximately 90,000 Christians were killed in 2016 ― one Christian killed every six minutes. Approximately 70 percent of the martyred Christians were from tribal villages in Africa, who often refuse armed conflict.

The Center for the Study of Global Christianity studies Christian martyrdom and estimated 900,000 Christian martyrs worldwide between 2005 and 2015, — about 90,000 per year. The Center considers historical, sociological, and theological arguments to quantify martyrdom. Christian martyrs are, “Christ believers who lost prematurely their lives to witness Christ under human hostility.”

The number of Christians martyred in 2016 did not include data from China and India — two countries with large Christian populations and “underground” churches, so the numbers of persecuted and martyred Christians are hard to quantify.

Note: Christ is about to cleanse the Earth.


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